The first step of your sport injury treatment is to help determine the extent of your sport injury. Our chiropractor can accomplish this with a thorough evaluation of your injury. We'll ask you questions about how you injured the area, the severity of your pain, and if any motion worsens that pain. Part of the evaluation may also include an assessment of your range of motion.
The next part of your sport rehab is to encourage that part of your body to heal. We may accomplish this through exercise therapy. These can include gentle stretches to help ease your pain and slowly increase in difficulty and frequency.
Though sports rehab is all about helping you heal, our chiropractor will also make it about assisting you in injury prevention. This part may consist of providing you with tips and tricks to help improve your game and lessen the chances of you sustaining an injury. This part of the sports injury treatment may consist of Dr. Croxford educates you on ways to move your body that are less likely to result in overstretching or overexertion.
We at Health First Chiropractic, serving Puyallup, WA, and the general vicinity, offer sports injury treatment and other sport rehab services. Our goal is to help sports fanatics and the weekend warriors heal and play the best games they can. Our goal may also include helping you prevent injuries and improve your game through our sports rehab. Schedule an appointment today by calling us at (253) 256-4818. A “chiropractor near me” is here to help.